Results of Private Mentoring

“I feel so grateful and blessed to benefit from Bethany Webster’s work. My mother wound was so deep and severe, I was terrified to even acknowledge it, but Bethany’s course, workshops, and coaching gave me the courage and the skills that twenty years of therapy never did. Unlike my experience of therapy, Bethany validated my mother’s abuse, she did not try to get me to find compassion or forgiveness for my mother, but to express my own reality. Bethany helped me work through the guilt and shame I felt at recognizing my mother’s abuse. Before Bethany’s work, I never knew what parentification was, and when I read her writings, I saw my experience echoed. There is no way to recover from a mother wound without support and meeting with Bethany every other week along with the Facebook group, the calls, and the on line course gave me the structure and guidance I needed to break away from my toxic family. With Bethany’s help, I’ve been able to let go of self-sabotage, to feel joy, happiness, competence, and connection and to pursue my dreams. Since taking the course, my relationship with my husband and my kids is so much better, I’ve learned how to fill my cup first and let everyone else benefit from the overflow. I feel healthy, happy, and strong.”

Ella Braun

“Bethany’s work is a profound synthesis of ‘cell-memory food’, reminding every fiber in my body to spit out the rotten, and reignite these powerful forgotten Truths Bethany has so masterfully woven together. This is the sophisticated feminine wisdom education I wished I could have bathed my soul in 20 years ago! Beyond the many layers of resistance I encountered, I found indescribable relief that followed the completion of this deeply satiating work. Working with Bethany has been like a Truth tuning-fork, helping to replace the aching dissonance of distorted love, with so much clarity and affirmation in my Being. Bethany, thank you deeply for your courageous and brilliant work, the impact of which I know continues to heal both directions of my Mother-line.”


“I can’t describe the impact discovering you and your work has had on my life. I also can’t thank you enough for all the work you have done to bring the Mother Wound to light. I am so grateful to have found you and your work. It has transformed me. It has been the missing piece to fully understanding a pain I could never quite put my finger on but was always there. It has also helped me understand my mother, my grandmother and my great grandmother and I can clearly see how the Mother Wound has been passed down from one generation to the next. Amazing insights, healing, growth and love.”

Donna Shea

“I came to the Online Course on Healing the Mother Wound because I was feeling stuck and frustrated in my life. I have taken many courses and done a lot of “work” on myself through many different healing modalities, therapies and programs. And still, there was this place where I was still STUCK. These feelings of “not good enough” this not enough-ness really showed up in relation to my Mom, and my closest peeps. I know they reverberated throughout all my choices and ways of being in my life. I had been seeing Bethany’s work pop up in my radar for a couple of years and I was finally ready to really step in and take action. Even though Bethany offers so much goodness in her free offerings, it was in the course itself where I began to more fully embody the ideas my intellect was understanding. I knew that embodying this information was the only way I was ever going to really make things different. To create lasting change.
I found the course and it’s content deep and nourishing. I felt so much support, directly from Bethany many times. The amount of direct wisdom that Bethany offered actually surprised me. She is 100% percent in and available during every live call and online in the Facebook group. There is wealth of practical knowledge, wisdom, empathy and understanding, from Bethany and the other course participants. Other women living, breathing and feeling so many similar emotions helped me to accept that these feelings are real and not something to be judged or disposed of.
I feel so much freer, in my life in general and in particular with my Mom, my partner and my closest friends. This has transformed all of my relationships, especially the one I have with myself. This phrase was new and hardly believable when I first heard Bethany say it “You are not beholden to anyone”. Really?? Can that really be true? Now I absolutely know that it is. Ahhhhhh….. what a relief. I now know how to give myself what I missed out on as a child. I can mother myself, and that is a beautiful gift.
Thank you Bethany, my life has truly transformed.”

Tammy H.

“My work with Bethany in her online course of Healing the Mother Wound has profoundly affected my ability to show up and be a better mother to my own three young daughters. With Bethany’s guidance, the support of an incredibly wise and embracing online community, and by doing the work and the exercises provided in the course, I was able to find and connect with my inner child, identify the gaps in what I needed/need from my own mother that she was/is not able to give, and learn to mother myself in ways that are truly nourishing and healing. It is this mothering of myself that I could then directly apply to how I mother my own children; while I learned to care for and nurture my inner child the way she longed to be cared for, I was then more able to show up and be present with my own children, extending to them the same love I was giving my inner child. And so, when my child shows up to me with big emotions, I can remain calm and loving as I am also learning to be calm and loving with myself, no matter what I am feeling. It has been a beautiful and evolving path of self-love, acceptance, and motherhood. I highly recommend Bethany’s work to anyone who longs to find wholeness within and walk the path of conscious parenthood. It is only by doing this deep work of healing ourselves that we can learn to extend unconditional love to the next generation.”

Teresa Regan Hess

“My work with Bethany in her online course of Healing the Mother Wound has profoundly affected my ability to show up and be a better mother to my own three young daughters. With Bethany’s guidance, the support of an incredibly wise and embracing online community, and by doing the work and the exercises provided in the course, I was able to find and connect with my inner child, identify the gaps in what I needed/need from my own mother that she was/is not able to give, and learn to mother myself in ways that are truly nourishing and healing. It is this mothering of myself that I could then directly apply to how I mother my own children; while I learned to care for and nurture my inner child the way she longed to be cared for, I was then more able to show up and be present with my own children, extending to them the same love I was giving my inner child. And so, when my child shows up to me with big emotions, I can remain calm and loving as I am also learning to be calm and loving with myself, no matter what I am feeling. It has been a beautiful and evolving path of self-love, acceptance, and motherhood. I highly recommend Bethany’s work to anyone who longs to find wholeness within and walk the path of conscious parenthood. It is only by doing this deep work of healing ourselves that we can learn to extend unconditional love to the next generation.”

R.Khanna, Integrative Psychotherapist MA (from the UK)

“In May this year I was preparing to return to Scotland to scatter my mother’s ashes. She had died while I had been bed ridden with Chronic Fatigue in Australia. As a mother she had done the best she could in parenting me but I also knew there had been huge gaps. I needed to learn how to grieve all the spaces in my heart that had longed for a deeper, more respectful and loving connection and I also needed to learn to fill them up with loving kindness.
I signed up for Bethany’s course after her spring pop up and completed the first two modules before I departed in mid June. Both gave me a deeper understanding of what programming I had downloaded from my mother and how it had shackled me to a life of subjugation in all areas of my life.
On my return I completed the rest of the course at my own pace, finally finishing in September. These modules take you into wounds that have often not seen the light of day. All of women who have completed and are currently working through the course have been brought together on a secret Facebook group. We all openly share our struggles and breakthroughs under the loving guidance of Bethany who is a very active presence in the group. Bethany also offers further support on her bi-monthly calls and I believe this extraordinary ongoing support system has been the reason why the course has been so life changing for me.
How do I feel now? I feel truly liberated. The positive changes have been astounding not only to me but to all the people who are in my life. I have respectful and healthy boundaries with the parts of myself that can pressurize and overwhelm me. There is a deeper intimacy with my inner child, Little Jen. My husband and I are enjoying a renewed sense of connection in our marriage. I am now a much more present and accepting mother to my three bold and beautiful children. New, more healthy and supportive friendships have blossomed and finally my business has become more heart led and handmade that that feels so good!
The truth is this course will transform your life in ways you can’t even imagine. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who is looking to foster a deeper connection with themselves by honoring those childhood wounds and healing them deeply.”

J. Winfield, Australia

“This course is not life changing…it is LIFE SAVING, it is LIFE RECLAIMING, it is LIFE BUILDING! I have never felt so alive, I have never felt so safe. Bethany has created an amazing road map, tools and a safe space (in form of a secret FB group and Q&A calls) where I can always find full validation and suport. Where I can just be myself and where I can FIND my true self. Bethany taught me that I WILL live, I will survive because I have me, a beautiful human being. I will always be grateful to Bethany for sharing her wisdom and her passion.”

Weronika Tobolska

“Over the years, given an abusive family of origin, I did a huge amount of inner-work (and searching!), culminating in finding a highly skilled therapist, a proponent of Alice Miller, who (at last!) validated what I’d experienced as a child.
I did deep therapeutic work, and learned much about communication, clear boundaries and much more. But something was still missing. For some reason I could not for the life of me, get my outer world life to work. Eventually, I came across Bethany’s work and her question starting with, “As a little girl, did you wish your mother…” jumped out at me like a lightning bolt. While doing the ‘Healing the Mother Wound’ course, I came to understand that a lot of the inner work I’d previously done was around discovering what was done to me by my abusive mother. Through working the questions in Bethany’s course (not for the feint-hearted!), I found out what my mother did not do for me – a myriad of things needed by a child and young woman in order to thrive. I’ve been learning how to slowly fulfill those needs now. The more and more layers of real self-mothering I put in, the more and more solidly I’m experiencing the ground beneath me. With that, I’m powerfully experiencing the fully-fledged woman I am (I’ve always wanted this). And this is changing everything in my outer world, e.g. I’m now being heard in a way I’d only dreamed of, though absolutely knew was possible.”

Rasili O’Connor, Australia

“After 10 years of healing work, finding Bethany’s course was like the missing ingredient that made all the rest of the healing make sense. The course is so thoughtfully created, the insights are as if it is speaking right to your own soul. Before this course, I always turned away from inner-child work because of how it was presented. Bethany’s approach to inner-child work is so profound it will transform you. It has enabled me to put down some of my pain and make peace with things I had no idea how to make peace with or understand. The community of women you meet in the course is so extraordinary it is worth joining the course just for that support and sisterhood. This course will heal so much more than just your Mother Wound – once you start it you’ll wish you had found earlier in your journey.”

Joanna, Toronto, Canada

“To say this is profound, life changing and transformative on so many levels does not go anywhere near expressing the depth, richness and genuine love and power of this work. If you have done lots of work already (or not) this is the place to come. Support is there every step of the way and Bethany shines out with genuine integrity and authenticity. A woman who is a living testimony of the power of her own work. Come and join us and change the world one woman at a time.
The modules are rich and there is no time limit to do this deep beautiful work. There are regular calls to get support directly from Bethany and the other women. The resources are like an overflowing fountain of knowledge support and wisdom. Bethany is right there with us all. She is the center of the wheel. I’ve never felt safe in groups as I never felt safe in my family, but this group is not only safe, it is healing too.
This work is life changing. I feel reborn. I feel that at last I am finding out who I truly am. My creativity is flowing, and I am loving life. My female friendships have transformed. I have let go of so many people who were draining my life force. Faced the past and transformed it. Life is now dancing through me and I feel excited about what the future is bringing me. This work is deep. It has roots in ancient wisdom and Bethany has birthed this in the most beautiful way.”

Lissy Purrkins

“Your online course on Healing the Mother Wound has been beyond incredible. My life has transformed. I am now a mother myself and feeling so grateful as this program groomed me for this my greatest role in life. I started the program In June and got pregnant in November. I have completely recreated my relationship to both my mother and sister. We went from barely ever speaking to being told by them both how proud they are of me and the woman and mother I have become. It is not my “fantasy” relationship but something real, nurturing, reciprocated and frankly an impossibility made reality. Thank you Bethany for facilitating and creating the space for such deep ancestral healing for my family. I am eternally grateful to you for assisting me in this healing mission for my family.”

Cynthia Richardson

“Bethany I can’t ever thank you enough for what you are doing. I’m facing my Mother soon. I’m going to finally tell her how I feel. I’m nervous and excited. It’s a miracle I’m actually doing this! I had spent literally thousands and thousands of dollars on therapy, courses and goodness knows what. This online course is miraculous, pioneering, magical, compassionate and has done for me what nothing else has even got near to.”

Olivia Majors

“T H A N K Y O U. Your work has guided me through 2 pivotal moments in my life, already. Because of your support (via blog and other resources) I have made the decision to go no-contact. It never occurred to me prior to reading your post about estrangement that this was even an option for me. Already, there is a joy + vibrancy returning to me, an increase in feeling safe to show up fully, and a very real increase in sales for my business. Once I made the decision to go no contact, I was able to start grieving, and write this piece, published on Over the Moon Mag, titled Finding Self-Worth With a Narcissistic Mother. I cannot thank you enough for guiding me from a far. I very much look working with you in the future to grow my impact in my business.
Immense Gratitude + a Cracked Open Heart,”

Jillian Anderson

“I’ve said it before but I wanted to say again how TRULY incredible your course is, Bethany. You have created something that is really amazing. Divinely-inspired I think. It has to be! Your questions and modules are so beautifully paced that they guide you on a magical journey deep into your own soul to discover the hidden treasures that have for so long, been covered in masks and rubbish – unrecognisably so until you go deep enough to see the truth that lies beneath. Thank you so much for gifting this course and your amazing insights, gentleness and loving support to the world!”

Lavinia Brown, UK

“Today I’m finishing my 7th step in the online-course and I feel so happy! And not just happy, I feel something different… I’ve had a lot of questions during different stages of my life and it looks that Bethany Webster knew it because she has answered them while I was reading every page and I was doing the exercises… It has been amazing! I know that this is a process, a lot of layers to be healed will come, but today I feel inspired, I feel that I have a new awareness about my Mother Wound… Today I have names for my feelings, I know more about Patriarchy, and I understand more about my “mother gap.” Also, I love to know that I have the key with me to fill this gap being my own mother! Isn’t incredible? I can be my own-mother! One lovely, comprehensive, patient, happy, nourishing and so on. I’ve been looking for these answers my WHOLE life! THANKS Bethany!”

Adriana Solis, Spain

“I found Bethany in a place of intense and even surprising pain around my relationship with my mother. As I read her writing and heard her voice and heart within, I knew that she knew exactly what I was feeling. I was right. Throughout the program and our sessions together, she gently walked me into an ever-deepening awareness of the messages I’ve internalized and the stories that have defined me. Messages and stories that have kept me playing small, taking on responsibility for everyone else’s happiness, and believing that my worth and value were somehow tied to my struggle and suffering. Even more, she invited me to new messages and stories that have allowed me to heal both the young girl within and the grown woman I am today. The reverberations of this are endless – certainly in my ongoing relationship with my mother, but also in other relationships and my work in the world. I suppose it sounds a bit over-the-top to say that Bethany has changed my life, but that hardly makes it less true. Her wisdom, kindness, and personalized-and-powerful care have enabled growth and grace previously only imagined. Without a single hesitation I recommend Bethany’s work to other women over and over again. She’s that good.”

Ronna​ Detrick

“Despite being a therapist for the last 10 years, I realize now how much I was avoiding looking at this area of my life. It was only as I was getting more and more women come through my clinic mirroring this at me that this area opened up to me but I really didn’t know how to delve deeper. Your course has put into words and given me clarity for everything I was feeling and experiencing and is helping me heal. Its painful, challenging, amazing and insightful, I feel like I am finally starting to step into my power and for that I am truly grateful.”

Amanda Hassan-Ally, UK

“Bethany, I’d like to thank you so much for the online course on Healing the Mother Wound. I started this course hoping that maybe, just maybe it could help me to move on with my life somehow. I had no idea at that time, that the steps you laid down for me would take me to where I am today and who I am today. The journey through the modules took me all the way to the deepest abyss and back to the light. The endless “aha” moments brought forth a huge paradigm shift that catapulted me to the new level that I thought was not reachable for me in this life. I cannot thank you enough. I’ve tried so many things, done so much healing, took so many courses, but this was such a thorough, deep and life changing process. I am truly re-born.
The wall I had around my heart is gone and I’m free to receive my husband and children. The connection, communion, compassion that is present in my marriage now is what I thought could not be possible. I feel genuine gratitude towards my mother now and at the same time I was finally able to say “no” to being parentified daughter. The pain that was passed down became the food for my strength and inner power. For the first time in my life I’ve learnt how to set the healthy boundaries and respect myself. I’m so much more at peace with Life and what it brings. I’m not afraid of triggers anymore, because I’ve learnt they are the portals to my inner self. And the relationship with my inner child is reflected in the deep and empathic connection I have now with my children. The way I relate to them now is a true miracle. I used to be so reactive although I love them dearly.
Through this course I was able to forgive myself and connect with bottomless empathy that I thought wasn’t there… The chains I had around my throat and ankles are gone and I’m finally getting out to the world with my message! If I was to describe this transformation with one word it would be – embodiment. It’s one thing to know something and it’s totally different thing to live it. Today I’m living transformation.
Thank you for your deep and vast wisdom, support, love, enormous sense of safety, validation and mirroring. Thank you for being a true role model of a loving, compassionate, balanced, fierce woman. As Joseph Campbell said “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Thank you for showing me the way to, through and from this cave. Thank you for holding the space for me to become my true, free, unique self. With Gratitude and Love“

Magdalena Szpilka, Ireland

“Dear Bethany …. I don’t know where to begin …. your course has made so much difference to me and I’m so grateful to you for creating it. Despite doing a lot of deep work over many years I still felt totally stuck …. as if in a sticky web. Your course opened my eyes and validated my experience in ways that made it safe to see and feel what hadn’t been safe to see or feel before. Even though I finished the modules several months ago things are still opening up in a way I feel much safer to deal with now and I know they’ll continue to open up … I feel much safer in my own skin …. the shame that kept it all bound up in a self perpetuating loop is seen for what it is and I am more and more aware … deep in my bones … that it was never about me …. my mother just passed on what she could never question that had traumatized her …. I can be so much more present for myself now. Feeling alone with it all is giving way to a deep knowing of how much it was never “just me” and it never meant anything about me in the way I was taught so very young. I would not hesitate to recommend your course to anyone considering it …. you’ve put together an amazing way to safely journey through very confusing territory which has just been a booby trapped minefield till now. Thank you and bless you!”

Jude, Australia

“Before I enrolled in Bethany’s online course I was confused about what I felt. I knew my childhood experience and ongoing relationship with my mother was dysfunctional, but I didn’t have the language to explain it well. Learning from Bethany the generational cycle of patriarchy and the ensuing damage finally gave me clarity and vocabulary to explain what I have carried in my heart for decades. Simply being able to articulate it – or having it articulated for me – was a form of liberation from the pain.
The course itself allowed me to go as deep or shallow as I preferred and according to the volume time I chose to dedicate. It was clear, helpful, and therapeutic to walk through the course under Bethany’s structure and to be supported by the associated private Facebook group. After completing the online course, I feel stronger in my convictions, more clear in my position, and far more brave that I have ever felt. My family of origin is still dysfunctional, my relationship with my mother almost non-existent, yet I feel more at peace with it all than ever before. I am a stronger woman, wife, and mother because of the understanding I garnered during Bethany’s course. I will not play out passive-egressive dramas with my husband or pass on dysfunctional patterns to my daughter because now I see clearly where I stand in a larger system that has been playing out for many centuries before my arrival. My experience is no longer feels like a personal attack, my childhood no longer a personal oversight, and my future no longer chained to destructive obligations. With Bethany’s help my personal purpose has been illuminated and I can feel good about serving the greater good of humanity by my wholeness, happiness, and freedom from pain, blame, or victimhood. I would recommend Bethany’s course to anyone who struggles with her unknown, unidentified discontent so that she can learn to see that the key to freedom is mothering herself and loving herself back to wholeness.”

Carla Golden, U.S.

“I registered for Bethany Webster’s ‘Healing the Mother Wound’ online course this summer whilst pregnant with our third child. I had come across Bethany’s work through colleagues and was curious to see how it may touch and support me in my work with women here in the UK. I was deeply moved by the content, the support from Bethany herself and her deep commitment to holding women through this transformative awakening and healing process. What activated my own transformation through this work most was Bethany’s vulnerability in the sharing throughout the modules of her own process with this work. Never did I feel as if I was alone or unique in the often painful and uncomfortable places that I encountered. Bethany skillfully assisted in navigating me through my grieving process and onto a place now of confidently welcoming all that continues to unfold in my awareness. I whole-heartedly recommend this training to all women!”

Mandy Adams, Womb Yoga Teacher, Menstruality Educator, UK

“As a participant in ”Healing the Mother Wound” online course, I would like to express gratitude for this high-quality, in-depth, genuine program! The generous amounts of insights and variety of tools offered are unique. The program addresses and enlightens every corner of the wounding with care, beauty and respect, bringing expanded awareness and transformation.Thank you for you pioneer-work Bethany!”

Selene, Finland

“I ran across Bethany’s course while reading about parentified daughters on-line. Bethany’s writing struck a chord with me: she was describing me so intimately and in so much accurate detail. I decided to enroll in her 8 week course: Healing the Mother Wound, and I’m glad I did. The course provides structure for exploring your relationship to your mother when you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed, or when you can’t see a way forward. In my case, it was all three. The written exercises provide a framework for looking at yourself, your mother, and your relationship in depth. In answering the questions I learned about myself: my wounds, my particular strategies for survival, the parts of myself I had hidden or given up, my deep longings and desires, my hopes and dreams for wholeness. Alongside the written exercises, the readings, and the group conference calls, participants can join a private Facebook group. For me, this group experience was a very profound and powerful piece of the program. It is a place to be heard, to be validated, to be vulnerable with your truth and your fears – aspects of yourself that are so tender you may not have shared with anyone else before. I feel as though I am still part of a community of women that was created when I took the course, and I feel blessed to have this place to go back to again and again as I continue to grieve and to grow, and to re-connect with myself at a deeper level, and to navigate my relationship with my mother on my own terms and in my own time.”

Jenny, U.S.

“I was so blessed to attend this wonderful work shop in Huntington N.Y. What a transformative day. Shining a light in the darkness that is my Mother Wound was truly healing. Feeling proud of myself and so grateful to Bethany Webster and this divine work she does. A true healer for women.”

Vanessa, U.S.

“Soon after the workshop, in particular the bonding meditation with the inner child, I have had a huge transformation. I met with my inner child again and she was skipping and telling me how happy she was that I was there to look after her, that she would no longer be afraid, that she would be able to cope. This is absolutely massive because I’ve been afraid my whole life. My body somehow filled it shape fully as if really arriving eventually. I found myself blessed and beloved and connected to the world around in a way I didn’t know was possible. I am different as a dancer, more solid in my body and not afraid to speak out. My guidance is clearer, my energy has increased, my life path is clearer, I am inspired and flooded with inspiration and ideas. I feel as if there is a huge solid foundation under me where there was only quick sand before. Six weeks later these changes have integrated and I am more solid, more capable. A new work situation that would have overwhelmed me in the past I can take in stride. I have more capacity, more poise, more integrated and balanced. I feel a real sense that I belong in the world and can finally take my place in it, which was missing before. Thank you so much for bringing this healing into my life and for being such a shining example transmitting this life changing work!”

Cliona O. Conaill, writer and dance facilitator, UK

“Working with Bethany was for me a significant step in deepening my understanding of how the Mother Wound has held me back. Bethany as a coach is there with you at every step on your journey. With her laser clear insights, experience and kindness, she focuses on you and enables you to grow faster than if you just worked on your own.
It is more than just the mother, you realize that women hold culture and traditions and hence for us to accelerate the evolution of women and the world really, we need to dig deeply into our relationship to our mothers and heal the wound and learn the new habits.”

Kristin Engvig, Switzerland

“This year of working with Bethany has been truly transformational for me. I had previously engaged in a lot of self-development work over several years, so was already aware of what triggered me and had some understanding of how this linked to patterns from my childhood. However, through this coaching program with Bethany I have been able to take my level of understanding to a whole new level. More importantly, I now have new ways of managing myself when faced with situations that play into my habitual patterns and behaviours related to beliefs formed in childhood in relation to my relationship with my mother. As a result, I’ve made such big shifts that feel very sustainable and will take me to a new level of what I can achieve in work and life generally. Bethany is incredibly insightful and understanding, like she knew my inner world. She was able to help me understand how my present day struggles link to my childhood, and helped me identify what I need to do to let go and release myself from the past, and she supported and encouraged me as I did so. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is ready to take the next step in healing their Mother Wound.”

Sue G,. UK

“The Emergence Program has been like a pilgrimage home to myself, and now from this place I am more creative, confident, and expressive than ever as a woman leader. Each session has been a new journey of discovery within myself. I love the free flowing format of the sessions and Bethany’s transformative enquiries, which really have taken me to the roots of what needed healing and transformation. I feel inspired by Bethany and grateful for the transformative space she is creating for women worldwide. I want to take this opportunity to encourage women who feel called by the content of the Emergence Program to go for it!”

Helene Guldborg, United Nations on women and girls’ Rights and Empowerment

“I came across Bethany’s work while being pregnant with my daughter. The Mother Wound spoke to my heart in deep ways. I had never seen all this from this specific angle before even though I had done a lot of work on my female lineage, family and myself. I had to do the online program the last eight weeks before giving birth. After all I had asked the universe for another child on the condition that I wouldn’t pass over to her the heavy intergenerational loads I received from those before me. I went really deep always exploring the dynamics of my relationship to my mother. Despite my biggest fears I even went no contact with her during the program. I gave birth in the most natural, empowering way. Even in my dreams I hadn’t desired it this way. It was the best confirmation I was right on track. Since then, all summer I was free now to witness the true dynamics of that relationship and how I had adapted to all sorts of dysfunctional patterns. In September I decided to do the three month coaching program with Bethany. I have no early memories so my only map was my everyday interactions, especially those with my husband and older son. I saw my projections and fears on both of them. When and how they trigger me and how this related to my early wounds. Bethany’s support, witnessing, powerful questioning and brilliant intuition were priceless. I felt safe and seen and loved deeply from a healthy place, from another human heart. I grieved a lot big chunks of pain, powerlessness and desperation. I realized all my searching and existential quest, even my spirituality, were so that I would finally reunite with my inner child in a deep, sustainable, solid way. All this time I was looking for that innocent part of me I had abandoned a long time ago. I started being my own mother and giving myself all that I terribly missed since a child. Although I still get triggered my relationship with my husband has gone to another level. I know when I go in wound territory and he no longer takes things personally. My son recently decided he no longer needs his doudou for sleeping. I take this as a good sign of him growing up healthily. With Bethany’s help and loving presence I have found the courage and strength to cross my defense mechanisms and reach more joyful and abundant territories. I still get triggered but I am much better equipped to handle it. This work is fundamental stuff. It affects every single aspect of life. Bethany I am deeply grateful our paths have crossed in such a taboo territory with so much love.”

Ioanna, France

“Some months before I came across Bethany’s website, I had a big falling out with my mother. For years and years I had felt so trapped in guilt and tension in my relationship with her that when I turned 50, I decided I wasn’t going to let it dominate my life anymore.I had already done my bit in therapy and trainings, working as a meditation teacher and coach myself in the last 8 years, living a happy life. Except that I still struggled with my mother. I tried it all: keeping my distance, said no when I meant no, I even stayed away for a year. It didn’t work. So finally I confronted her with her negative, being-the-victim behavior which led, as Bethany described in one of her blogposts, to a “mother tantrum”: violence and aggression coming out without mercy. After this, I knew there was no way back; I needed to get out of this destructive bond. The moment I read Bethany’s blog I knew she was the one to help me do it. It was like recognizing my story in everything she wrote, at the same time offering deep, clear insights in the whole mechanism that had kept me imprisoned for so long. I signed in for the Brilliance Program and plunged in. For months I daily spend some hours on the program, working my way through my past, through dark layers of fear and hurt. It was heavy and emotional, but also like coming home. The Skype sessions with Bethany were like shiny gems, full of support, clarity and humor. I remember the most important thing for me in the beginning was the validation of my pain; I had a right to feel hurt! Slowly I found my own ground, slowly my frozen inner child melted and came alive. I came to understand how guilt had kept me away from my own suffering and truth. I was amazed at how confidence and strength flowed naturally into these melted places. Although I had a successful singing career, made visual art and recently work as a teacher and writer, I have always struggled with feeling small when expressing myself, ashamed of coming forward. Now that the Mother Wound is healing, I feel my natural confidence is coming back, urging me to speak my truth in an unapologetic way. My work is becoming more successful and expanding in ways I couldn’t have predicted. That feels so good! I still have moments of deep sadness, mourning the loss of mother. But they do not confuse me as they used to. I feel like I have come home in my own being, including the painful scars as well as amazing lightness.

I would strongly recommend Bethany’s coaching program to every woman.

What a profound, ground-breaking work! And how lucky we are to have such a brilliant pioneer offering us a new vision on how to become more free, authentic and powerful as women. I feel deeply inspired and grateful to be part of this evolutionary step.”

Esther Teule, Meditation teacher at, Netherlands

“Bethany’s healing work is transformational. It is deep. It is powerful. It has shifted my life in such huge and sustaining ways that I will be forever grateful. Please bless yourself with the ability to heal and to work with Bethany!

Before coaching with Bethany, I was not able to separate emotions from the Mother Wound from the present situation. It felt one and the same. Now, I am able to connect to my inner child and discover what she is feeling and how I am projecting it into the here and now.
My relationship with my husband has become much more intimate and compassionate. By sharing what I have learned with him, he has become aware of how he had been subconsciously contributing to the patriarchal attitude that kept a divide in our relationship.
I am able to be fully present more often with my 5 year old daughter. Before the course, I was an empty shell with next to nothing left to offer her. Now that I have learned how to validate my experience and emotions, I can do this for her as well.
Bethany, I feel like all of my prayers for healing have been beautifully wrapped up in you and your work! Thank you!”

Ashley, U.S.

“Bethany Webster’s coaching program is astounding! More than that, every woman, mother or not, NEEDS to take her program. I have spent most of my life trying to identify the source of my lack of confidence, dissatisfaction and discontent. Thanks to Bethany, the unconscious road blocks I had created that impeded my happiness in order to please my mother (which were directly unconsciously counter to pleasing myself) are now visible and tangible, I am able to see them and to concentrate on breaking them down. Bethany gave me the clarity, support and tools with which to begin to unfetter myself. 57 years of slavery to a myth – that I would never be good enough unless I did what everyone else wanted. Her knowledge of the need for support and follow through, her expertise in navigating the dark places and her sweet, open enthusiasm carried my across the border of “Mother over me” into “me, with love” – and Bethany gives her abundant love to those who work with her.

This coaching program will shake you to your bones and empower you beyond your imagining. Getting rid of the pattern that keep all women fractured, undervalued and used is the best gift imaginable and Bethany Webster has put together a working process that will indeed free you to be your true and splendid self as a woman. I daily recommend her work to any woman I come across!”

Marcella Matthei, Florida 

“When I was about to give birth for the second time, it became very evident to me that I needed to heal my relationship with my mother so I could give my kids unconditional love and respect. I had a dream where I expressed my concern to my meditation teacher, and she said to me that she would take care of that, but she needed to find the right way. Two months later I came across the article “why it’s important to heal the Mother Wound” and I knew that was the answer to my prayers. It was as if Bethany had just put words to my feelings, my needs and my experience on the Mother Wound. I felt great energy inside, great relief and hope.

I had done a lot of work on my past but it was never so focused and clear and specific on healing the Mother Wound. I used to think that healing the Mother Wound was completely impossible and that I needed to accept living with that deep pain forever. So I was very excited and totally committed to going through this program. The course is structured in a very smooth way that allows you to dig deep and contemplate very thoroughly your history, your memories, your relationships; and look into your childhood with an adult eye; and as an adult who is there to protect and love that child. Each module has wonderful information to make it clear and easy, to support you in the process and bring light to the hurting parts of your soul, and is structured as a clear path that you walk at your own rhythm.

Adding to that, the coaching program with Bethany is amazing. Bethany is a great listener, she has incredible kindness. I always felt heard, accepted and supported. Her personal presence helped me to reinforce my commitment with the program. She guided me through the darkness, helped me to hear myself, to see and validate my feelings, and always added knowledge and good advice on how to deal with situations with feelings and patterns, as well as gave me action points to break through to nurture myself and to take care of my inner child.

The process through the course brings up a lot of pain, but it happens in a safe environment. Bethany was a great support and the Facebook group helps a lot! It is great to hear other points of view, other stories and it surprised me to see how many women had my mother!!! The group sometimes brings company, consolation, and lots of humor too. The live Q&A sessions are very intimate and helped me express doubts and fears, always received a lot of love, guidance and support from the hearts of great women!

The Mother Wound course offers you the possibility to breakthrough and to understand and believe that you don’t have to live with that pain, that you can actually heal the Mother Wound and live the life that you choose. I learned to set limits that I would have never imagine possible. I learned to hear myself, honor my needs and conceive myself as a complete person without needing the approval of my family and cultural stereotypes. I feel at ease and happy to make my own choices. The world of possibilities opened up, my creativity realized, and the joy to be a mother totally exploded. All my relationships have changed because I changed my relationship with myself.

Still on the path, but with great tools to help me, a lot of transformation has already happened and a lot of strength inside.

I think the knowledge and path that Bethany offers in this course is a SPIRITUAL TREASURE, very powerful and full of light that will help to HEAL humankind, and expand consciousness. It’s an honor to have received it. Thank you.”

Mariana, Mexico

“Bethany Webster is a genius and a pioneer — far bolder than any gun-waving cowboy or modern-day politician/neo-cowboy. She has forged a progressive learning experience from her research, leaving a trail of bread crumbs leading back to the Original Sin — the banishment and desecration of the Sacred Feminine hidden in plain sight through the matrilineal line. She pays tribute to generations of women routinely disabled through compliance with the patriarchy via the “poisoning of Mother’s Milk”. Her genius is in de-constructing how the myth plays out in the Mother-Daughter relationship and in re-empowering women thus disabled by this institutionalized system of diminution and separation. She places full confidence in the women she actively and compassionately supports, to re-mother themselves and heal, based on an enlightened understanding of the “rigged game”. She gives women a solid footing to take back their strength, values, and power from a patriarchal society that has historically preyed upon their misplaced loyalty to conspire in perpetuating a “curse” that keeps women in denial of their sacred Truth. She has given us the keys to unlock the treasures within, and to help guide the course of this planet back towards the values of life, conservation, compassion, and collaboration. I am in awe and deeply grateful for her contribution to women worldwide and to the shift in global culture towards the wisdom of the Divine Feminine.”

Barbara Dawn Sophiel Hill, Writer, NYC

“I just completed the 6-month Healing the Mother Wound coaching program with Bethany and I have to say it has been THE MOST TRANSFORMATIONAL PROGRAM I have ever done… and believe me I have been on a healing journey for decades and have done MANY, MANY programs.

I was looking for a way to reconnect and heal my troubled relationship with my mom, who was recently re-diagnoseed with State IV cacncer and I was referred to Bethany’s website by a nurse. I immediately connected with what Bethany had to say and signed up for her Holiday Survival Webinar; shortly thereafter I booked a free session and chose to sign up for the 6-month program, as I wanted to see and feel lasting changes.

Well, I have! I came to the course feeling depressed, exhausted, and angry for being my mom’s caretaker and a little pleaser from the age of 2, emotionally abused, feeling like I didn’t count, manipulated; and also suffered from a debilitating spider phobia (that turns out was also connected to my mother and others that behaved just like her). In the end I was caretaker-ed out!!!!

Bethany really listened and zeroed in on my underlying feelings and triggers and provided concrete steps for me to take between coaching calls that really made a difference. She provided meticulous detailed follow-up notes and a recording of the call within a day or two of each coaching call summarizing what we discussed together with an action plan. These notes and recordings proved to be invaluable to me and I often went back to review them. The pre-call updates allowed me to become laser focused on what I’ve been clearing (celebrating) and letting go of so that our sessions had a real depth to them. The VIP DAY proved to be transformational for me! I feel the 5 hours we spent together released a lifetime of pain and suffering of being the Good Girl, and The Pleaser! It was Magical!

Today I AM a different person and feel an inner strength where I no longer run from confrontation but instead say, “Bring it on!” I speak my TRUTH more easily with NO EXPECTIONS, using the word NO without explanation. I am more grounded and have more sustainable energy and choose to do a variety of work-outs 6 days a week that are PLEASURABLE. My relationship with my husband is much stronger, loving, intimate, open and honest. As a blended family for almost 24 years, this is the first time where I feel we can talk about kids without triggering each other and there seems to be a new level of respect and trust between us. I find myself living more CONSCIOUSLY where I am learning to FEEL and ACCEPT my FEELINGS! Eating and Living with more PLEASURE! I also overcame my spider phobia where I would become paralyzed with fear and often had night terrors.

Most important, I was able to make PEACE with my Mother before her passing in April. I spent a magical time with her where I was able to BE ME for the first time and felt comfortable in my own skin around her. I really got to a place of acceptance and understanding of my role in our family and the incredible person I became as a result of my choices as a child!

Thank you Bethany, for creating this body of work and for BEing the loving, supportive BEing that you are and for providing such a safe environment to heal! I highly recommend this course to anyone!

With love, light, grace and so much gratitude,”

Darcel de Sylva, ON, Canada

“I have had incomprehensible struggles throughout my life and have been in and out of counseling since I was 13. Throughout all those years, I met and worked with some fabulous people who really helped me and have slowly processed through things like sexual abuse, rape, my brother dying, an alcoholic and drug addicted father and countless other atrocities that no one should have to go through. The crazy thing was that through all of it, my mother repeatedly told me my struggles were due to my father. I believed her, because she was the only thing I had. I forgave her over and over again for how she treated me because she was my mother and she was all I had. I always felt something deep inside needed to come out, something that I dare not look at because it would shake the only foundation I ever had in my life, my mother.

And then a good friend forwarded me an article written by Bethany.

I read the article over and over again, it called to me, it spoke to a place deep in my soul that was untouched and forbidden. An ache rose from the depths of my soul and called to me, pushed me to reach out to Bethany, it was time. I knew it was time to uncover that which I buried and I knew that Bethany was just the person to guide me on my journey.

From the first time I spoke to Bethany, it felt like she climbed inside my heart and filled it full of warmth and love. I felt like she knew everything I was feeling without even saying a word. Her program guided me with tremendous force, exposing deep dark secrets into my thoughts, my feelings that I never felt safe to express before, not even to myself. I say force, because I went into the program committed to transforming my thoughts and my actions. I gave myself full permission to feel, to cry, to be mad, to let go and to put it all on the table. I knew that it was not going to be easy, but I knew at the end, it would be worth it.

It wasn’t easy, those first couple of months tore my heart out and left it raw and open and vulnerable… I dredged up the darkest details of the most horrendous betrayals… seeing the full impact of everything that was done to me… and everything I had done to myself as a result. It shook me to my core… destroyed all my beliefs… suddenly, I could see clearly… suddenly I could recognize the full impact on my life. Suddenly, things started to make sense. Why I would overeat, why I was not present with my kids, why I was not present with my friends, why I was so hard on myself for the silliest of things, why I was a perfectionist to the nth degree. Oh my god, did I get mad and sad and back again. And then, after exhaustion through the tears and anger, the real transformation began, somehow things started falling into the right place in my emotional body. I felt different than before, I felt things changing on a molecular level, like somehow things were being set right, how they should have been the whole time. I started seeing things differently and started acting differently. This might sound really weird, but all of sudden I felt like I was a grown up. Like I could respond to life like a “normal” grown up, instead of through the heart of a wounded child.

And through it all Bethany was beside me, guiding me through the fear, the resentment and the sadness. The whole time in the program, I would do a section, then process my feelings through journaling, and I would start thinking differently and start questioning things, and then Bethany would have another set of exercises that were exactly in line with where my thinking was. It truly was amazing, for Bethany to have that level of intuition and to have prepared the program in such a way that it naturally flows with how your soul needs to heal, it was just incredible.

Bethany gave me a tremendous gift. She gave me presence and the ability to feel my life. The work that she does is so incredible and the way that she touches your heart is breathtaking. I was ready and ripe for the work that I needed to do and Bethany was there when I need her to be and I will forever be grateful to her for what she has given me.
Thank you Bethany!!!”

Charlie Cardin

Bethany Webster’s ‘Healing the Mother Wound’ course has been so good for me! From the first time I heard Bethany talk and read her articles I was deeply moved by her work. Doing the course expanded enormously on what I was getting from the articles. It flows in a natural, developmental way that helped me to see layers of my own patterning from different directions and in a clear, comprehensive way. Although I was familiar with many aspects of my mother wound from my mindfulness and emotional healing work, this course helped me to put all of my work into a broader context and gave me a way to integrate and synthesize my own earlier inner work and the new pieces that Bethany has introduced me to. Now that I’ve finished the modules I am so happy to notice that I feel both stronger (aware of my boundaries and able to take of my own needs and feelings) and softer (compassionate and open-hearted toward my little girl self, my current self, and other people). I am grateful to Bethany for this work and recommend it highly!

Gloria Shepard

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