Unfinished Business: Healing the Mother Wound in Order to Birth a New World

A Free Online Training with Bethany Webster - May 4th-19th


Be undaunted.
It’s time to step into your power. 


You’re in the right place if:

  • You have struggled with low self-esteem and feel ready to step into a more empowered way of seeing yourself and the world. 
  • You can see repeating themes of pain and suffering in your “mother line” and want to end the cycle of pain between women in your family. 
  • You feel strongly that you don’t want to pass on the Mother Wound to your own children and/or want to show up as a force for change in your communities. 
  • You feel ready to shift a negative inner narrative of “not good enough” and how it has been holding you back from showing up as confidently and calmly as you want to be

My invitation to you


We are living at a transition point between the old world and the new world. In this time of global uncertainty, many of us are being forced to confront the conditioning we inherited from patriarchal culture and our families of origin. This inner work is crucial to laying the foundation for a new world that supports all humans in thriving, not just surviving. 

Mother’s Day is May 14th in the U.S. This is a perfect time for all of us to address the cultural and familial messages that historically have kept women playing small and afraid of their own power. With empowered clarity and community support, over these two weeks, we will begin to transform ourselves and the world around us. Join me, author and feminist thinker, Bethany Webster, for two weeks of free training, conversation, and community to guide you on your next steps to unleash your full power and potential. 

During these two weeks, I will teach two free Webinars and offer a special promotion of my online course Healing the Mother Wound


Webinar 1 – Get Instant Access

Understanding Our Cultural Inheritance & Getting to the Root of Our Suffering


What we’ll cover in this session: 

  • What the Mother Wound is and how it manifests in our lives as women
  • Why Mother’s Day can be so challenging for many women around the world
  • Cultural myths and stereotypes that perpetuate the Mother Wound
  • How Healing the Mother Wound is very different from “mother blame”
  • Learn about the “Mother Gap” and how we compensate for it in our adult lives 
  • The reason why so many women struggle with guilt and how to move beyond it
  • The Role of Triggers: Identifying the deeper link between your present triggers and the pain of the past for lasting transformation

Webinar 2 – May 17th @ 11am-12:15 ET

Breaking the Cycle: Healing the Mother Wound to Unleash Your Full Potential


What we’ll cover in this session: 

  • How the Mother Wound negatively impacts our self-concept and all our relationships
  • Why the Inner Child is the gatekeeper of our “upper limits”
  • The role of “inner safety” and how to begin mothering yourself to create big changes in your life
  • The Benefits of Healing the Mother Wound and how our lives improve as a result
  • What it means to embrace your role as an inter-generational “change agent” 
  • The 7 steps or major milestones that are necessary to Healing the Mother Wound 
  • In this session, I’ll also share a bit about my online course Healing the Mother Wound, which is available temporarily at a discounted rate for those of you who may want to go deeper with this work after the webinar
  • Q&A at the end for those who are interested in the online course

What participants said about past webinars…


“This was so supportive during what is typically a very hard time. Thank you so much. This support changes everything. I continue to recommend you to everyone I know.”

“It’s always helpful to hear your mentor’s personal stories as it makes you feel more connected to them. It also helps to then see it as an “if they could make it so can i” situation. Thank you so much for this amazing content and your work! It explains so much.”

“Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing this life-changing work for free. You’ve given words to an invisible but crippling block that prevents a lot of women from being their authentic selves.”

“I appreciate your wisdom sharing and the possibility to connect with other like minded souls around the world, especially in these times of massive planetary shift.”